It's time for the BAWA Holiday Party!
Featuring food by La Piñata restaurant
- Instant Gallery: Bring a piece or pieces you've been working on and show them off in our Instant Gallery!
- Silent Auction: Plan to bid on raffle baskets and silent auction items to support the club.
Also, there will be plenty of great looking wood to bid on, so don't miss it!
***Please consider donating items for the silent auction or raffle to raise funds to support the club. You can contact Larry Batti at to coordinate the handoff of any donations you may have.
RSVP: Please RSVP to Larry Batti at
- Cost: Free for those who RSVP before Jan 9. Late Registration: $20.
Bay Area Woodturners Association is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners, which has over 13,000 members and 330+ chapters in the United States and abroad.
© Bay Area Woodturners Association